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浏览 (70)
  • 类型:
  • 更新:2024-07-18
  • 大小:220M
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Each game is a medium of human art; and Townscaper is no exception. Through its vivid and minimalistic style, this game allows players to build their own dream floating island, full of colorful houses, cozy bridges, and towering towers. With just one click, players can transform an empty sea into a bustling metropolis, and watch as the sun sets over their creation. But beyond the simple pleasure of creating, Townscaper also serves as a canvas for players to express their creativity and relax in a peaceful environment. Whether it's a cozy village, a grand castle, or a modern city, the possibilities are endless in Townscaper's floating world. So come and explore the endless possibilities of this unique and charming game, and let your imagination take flight.





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