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  • 类型:
  • 更新:2024-07-18
  • 大小:396M
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For those of you familiar with the children's cartoon series 'Dream Island', we are happy to present the story of how the characters from all the different islands came together to help one another complete their grand quest. Dream Island is a magical place composed of several islands each holding a unique and powerful item that will help in the group's effort to save their magical world. The group of adventurers soon discovers that the items on each of their islands are connected, and they must work together to solve the mystery of the islands and acquire the magical items. Along their journey, they are faced with various puzzles, challenges, and adventures as they discover more items and bravely face the dangers that stand in their way. In the end, the adventurers managing to unite all the islands and with the power of the items, successfully save both their world and the Dream Island.





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