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  • 更新:2024-07-18
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Drift fills are materials used to separate two surfaces that are close together. These materials need to be strong enough to resist impact, wear and tear, and corrosion. Using the right material can greatly improve the performance of a machine or system. Depending on the application, the type of material used and the cleaning method applied, different types of drift fills can be used. Common drift fills include rocks, gravel, stones, coarse sand, and various combinations of them. Drift fills are often used to cover pipes or fill in spaces between protrusions or when pipes need to be repositioned or replaced. When choosing a drift fill using the correct material, it is important to consider the compatibility with the environment, the durability of the fill and its resistance to wear and tear. Before installing the drift fills, it is recommended to clean up the surface and remove any dust or residue that could interfere with the material’s performance.





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