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  • 更新:2024-07-18
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Problem: Given two strings: Match the first one base on the string and the second one is a set of (wild char) regex. The regex consists of three special char "*", "+" and "?" Detailed Solution: Two strings, str1 and str2 are given as inputs. The first string, str1, is the main string which will be used to match with the second string, str2, which consists of wild characters. The wild characters in str2 are represented by either "*", "+", or "?". The goal is to determine if str1 matches with str2, based on the rules of the wild characters. The first type of wild character is "*". It can be thought of as a variable that can represent any number of characters (including zero) in str1. This means that if there is a "*" in str2, it will match with any substring in str1. The second type of wild character is "+". It can be thought of as a "placeholder" for a single character in str1. This means that if there is a "+" in str2, it will only match with a single character in str1. The third type of wild character is "?". It can be thought of as an optional character in str1. This means that if there is a "?" in str2, it can either match with a character in str1, or with no character at all. To solve this problem, a possible approach would be to use recursion. We can iterate through both str1 and str2, and compare the characters at each position. If there is a match, we move on to the next character. If there is a "*", we recursively check all possible substrings in str1, starting at the current position. If there is a "+", we check for a match with the next character in str1. If there is a "?", we have two options - either match with the current character in str1, or move on to the next character in str1. After iterating through str1 and str2, if all characters have been matched, the strings are considered to match. However, if there is a mismatch at any point, the strings do not match. This method takes into account all the different wild character scenarios and allows for a flexible matching process. In conclusion, the problem of matching two strings based on wild characters in a regex can be solved using a recursive approach where all possible combinations are checked for a match. This allows for a flexible and precise matching process that can handle a variety of different inputs.





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