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  • 更新:2024-07-18
  • 大小:215M
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An overview of Between Two Worlds "Between Two Worlds" is a story about a young girl named Raymie Clarke who finds herself caught between two different worlds. On one hand, she is trying to win a beauty pageant to fulfill her long-held dream of getting her father's attention and bringing him back home. On the other hand, she befriends two other girls, Beverly Tapinski and Louisiana Elefante, who are also participating in the beauty pageant but for their own personal reasons. As Raymie learns more about her new friends' troubled lives, she starts to question her own motivations for entering the pageant and begins to see beyond her own desires. Set in Florida during the 1970s, the novel explores themes of friendship, family, and finding one's own identity in the midst of difficult circumstances. Ultimately, Raymie must make a choice between chasing her childhood dreams and standing up for what she believes is right. "Between Two Worlds" is a heartwarming and poignant tale of self-discovery that reminds readers that sometimes, the most unexpected friendships can lead us to where we truly belong.





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