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钢铁前线解放1944汉化补丁 v1.0

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  • 版本:v1.0
  • 类型:其他
  • 更新:2024-05-22
  • 大小:待测试
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Henan, the late middle section of the Cultural Revolution, looted iron and steel front-line liberating the North, and was once again revived! After the Western Front was liberated by the friendly forces it was under the command of a total of 30 different ally(e)s. The Western Front was initially made up of expatriates rather than Chinese born in the Western Front. The goal of the Western Front was to liberate and secure the industrial areas of Henan province, which were crucial for supplying the Chinese army with much needed steel and armaments. Under the leadership of the commander, General Xue Yue, the Western Front launched a series of successful offensives against the enemy, liberating cities and towns along the way. One of the most significant events during this time was the Siege of Zhengzhou, a strategic city that served as a major railway hub and was heavily defended by the enemy forces. With fierce determination and ingenious tactics, the Western Front managed to break through the enemy's defenses and liberated Zhengzhou, dealing a major blow to the enemy's war effort. After Zhengzhou was liberated, the Western Front continued to push north, eventually reaching the city of Kaifeng which served as the heart of the Henan industrial belt. The capture of Kaifeng not only secured the industrial facilities but also served as a morale boost for both the Western Front and the Chinese people. However, the road to liberation was not without challenges. The Western Front faced fierce resistance from the enemy and had to endure harsh conditions and limited resources. But with their unwavering determination and bravery, they overcame all obstacles and successfully completed their mission of liberating the Henan industrial areas. The contribution of the Western Front in the liberation of Henan and its industrial facilities was crucial for the final victory of the Chinese army. It not only provided the much needed supplies for the Chinese troops but also dealt a heavy blow to the enemy's industrial capabilities. Today, the iron and steel front-line liberating Henan in 1944 serves as a symbol of Chinese resilience and determination in the face of adversity. It is a reminder of the sacrifices made by the brave soldiers who fought for their country's independence and liberation.





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项目负责人 kellerman

技术 大维

翻译 3DM职业翻译组

校对 不死鸟













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