', '', '', ':', '' description = ''.join(c for c in sentence.split('】')1 if c not in invalid_characters) context = sentence.split('】') try: # print('1-1') video_path = context01:.split('_') # print(video_path) if len(video_path) == 2: section_index = int(video_path0) frame_index = int(video_path1) elif len(video_path) == 3: section_index = int(video_path1) + 3 frame_index = int(video_path2) # print(video_path) except: not_under = True # print(context) continue reactions = contextlen(context) -11:.split(',') if len(reactions) != section_index: print('dvide + ', False) # print('dvide + ' , str(reactions), ' ', str(context1).split(',')0) if 'World of Tanks' in reactionprotocol_index: section_index += 1 # if section_index > frame_index: frame_index += 1...">


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' fail: error code: 1 -> inappropriate success: { code: 200, thumbnails: '2019*****.jpg', person_name: 'xxx', head_img: '***', paragraphs: 'asd1', 'asd2', 'asd3' } """ def get_individual_image(request, tac_count, images, person_name, head_img): details = for index in range(tac_count): image_indices = 999, 0 for img in images: # print(images) # print(index) try: image_array = img.loctac_count - index - 11:-1.split(',') # print(image_array) except: # print(1) continue # img. # image_array = image_string1:-1.split(',') # print(image_array) image_indices0 = min(image_indices0,int(image_array0)) image_indices1 = max(image_indices1,int(image_array0)) # print(image_indices) image_paths = '', '', '', '' broken = False person_names = '', '', '', '' person_name = person_name.split('\') person_name = person_name1 + ' ' + person_name2 # print(person_name) for person in person_name: person= str(person) if person: if len(person) < 4: if person.lower() == 'bu' or person.lower() == 'hao' or person.lower() == 'shi' or person.lower() == 'feng' or person.lower() == 'zou' or person.lower() == 'rui': continue image_paths0 += person image_paths1 += person image_paths2 += person person_names0 += person person_names1 += person person_names2 += person else: image_paths0 += ' ' image_paths1 += ' ' image_paths2 += ' ' person_names0 += ' ' person_names1 += ' ' person_names2 += ' ' image_paths0 = '"output\{}\headnorot\{}\".png'.format(tac_count - index - 1, image_paths0) image_paths1 = '"output\{}\headleft\{}\".png'.format(tac_count - index - 1, image_paths1) image_paths2 = '"output\{}\headright\{}\".png'.format(tac_count - index - 1, image_paths2) image_paths3 = '"output\{}\headup\{}\".png'.format(tac_count - index - 1, image_paths0) # print(image_paths) for img in images: try: image_array = img.loctac_count - index - 11:-1.split(',') except: continue file_list = os.listdir(image_paths0) if image_array0 + '.png' not in file_list and image_array0 + '.jpg' not in file_list: broken = True else: # print(image_array1) head_img = os.listdir(image_paths0) if image_array1 not in head_img: print('deviate', image_array1, head_img) broken = True if broken: image_paths = '', '', '', '' # print(person_names) for person in person_names3: person= str(person) if person: # print(person) if len(person) < 4: if person.lower() == 'bu' or person.lower() == 'hao' or person.lower() == 'shi' or person.lower() == 'feng' or person.lower() == 'zou': continue image_paths3 += person else: image_paths3 += ' ' image_paths3 = '"output\{}\headup\{}\".png'.format(tac_count - index - 1, image_paths3) # print(image_paths3) if image_array0 + '.png' not in file_list and image_array0 + '.jpg' not in file_list: broken = True else: # print(image_array1) file_list = os.listdir(image_paths3) if image_array1 not in head_img: print('deviate') broken = True # print(image_paths) # image_path0 = '"output\{}\headnorot\{}\{}.png"'.format(tac_count - index - 1, person_names0, image_array0) # image_path1 = '"output\{}\headleft\{}\{}.png"'.format(tac_count - index - 1, person_names1, image_array0) # image_path2 = '"output\{}\headright\{}\{}.png"'.format(tac_count - index - 1, person_names2, image_array0) # seperator = '\' if windows else '\/' # all_img0 = glob.glob('"output\{}\headnorot\{}*"'.format(tac_count - index - 1, person_names0)) if windows else""" image_paths = image_paths = image_paths # print(image_paths) # all_img0 = os.listdir('"output\{}\headnorot\"'.format(tac_count - index - 1) + str(image_paths0)) # all_img1 = os.listdir('"output\{}\headleft\"'.format(tac_count - index - 1) + str(image_paths1)) # all_img2 = os.listdir('"output\{}\headright\"'.format(tac_count - index - 1) + str(image_paths2)) # all_img = all_img0,all_img1,all_img2 # print(person_name) # print(person_names) if not broken: detail = { 'index': index, 'select_image': image_array0, 'count': image_indices1 - image_indices0 + 1, 'stop': image_array1, # 'all_images': all_img, # 'three_head_image': image_paths, 'person_name': person_name, # 'person_names': person_names, } details.append(detail) # print(details) return details # for img in images: # try: # image_array = img.loctac_count - index - 11:-1.split(',') # image_indices0 = min(image_indices0,int(image_array0)) # image_indices1 = max(image_indices1,int(image_array0)) # except: def translate(person): person = str(person) # print(person) try: person_cht = person_mapperson return person_cht except: return person def parse_summary(request): if request.method == "POST": result = {} json_data = json.loads(request.body) my_tank = json_data'data' # paragraph = delete_space(my_tank'paragraph') paragraph = normalize(my_tank'paragraph') topic = get_title(paragraph) if is_inappropriate(topic): result'code' = 1 return json.dumps(result) not_under = False print('aaa') details = # print(topic) # print(paragraph.split('\n')) for sentence in paragraph.split('\n'): print(sentence) if sentence: # print('1') # video_path = invalid_characters = ',', ',','。','、', '~', '\', '/', '.', '', '', '{', '}', '`', '_', '=', '+', '?', '#', '@', '!', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '-', '<', '>', '', '', ':', '' description = ''.join(c for c in sentence.split('】')1 if c not in invalid_characters) context = sentence.split('】') try: # print('1-1') video_path = context01:.split('_') # print(video_path) if len(video_path) == 2: section_index = int(video_path0) frame_index = int(video_path1) elif len(video_path) == 3: section_index = int(video_path1) + 3 frame_index = int(video_path2) # print(video_path) except: not_under = True # print(context) continue reactions = contextlen(context) -11:.split(',') if len(reactions) != section_index: print('dvide + ', False) # print('dvide + ' , str(reactions), ' ', str(context1).split(',')0) if 'World of Tanks' in reactionprotocol_index: section_index += 1 # if section_index > frame_index: frame_index += 1





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