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  • 类型:
  • 更新:2024-07-18
  • 大小:331M
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  • 隐私政策:查看

。 Our group endeavoured to create a demolition simulator inspired by the real-life experiences of people affected by government sanctioned demolitions. It is a game designed to put players in the shoes of a person or family who are faced with the daunting task of negotiating with authorities while protecting their home against demolition. The game begins with the player's family being given an eviction notice, signaling the start of the demolition process in their area. The player must then navigate through various challenges, such as facing corrupt officials and navigating legal systems, to try and delay or stop the demolition. Throughout the game, the player must make tough decisions that affect their family's well-being and the amount of compensation they receive. They must also manage their resources carefully to maintain their home and keep their family's spirits up. As the demolition deadline looms closer, the player is faced with intense pressure and must strategize their moves wisely to achieve their goal. The game also offers different scenarios and outcomes based on the player's choices, providing a realistic and immersive experience. Through this game, we hope to raise awareness about the challenges faced by those affected by demolitions and shed light on the importance of protecting the rights of individuals and families in similar situations. With its realistic and thought-provoking gameplay, the demolition simulator challenges players to think critically about the social, economic, and political implications of forced demolitions. It is a timely reminder of the power dynamics at play in such situations and aims to spark conversations and discussions on the topic.





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