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  • 更新:2024-07-18
  • 大小:398M
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:: peer plesde receive nd On behalf of the entire city of Zhangjiakou, I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all of our distinguished guests. We are honored to have you all join us for the latest edition of "Happiness in Zhangjiakou." This event is a celebration of our city's achievements and a showcase of our culture, people, and progress. As we gather here today, we are reminded of the power of community and the importance of coming together to share joy and build meaningful connections. Zhangjiakou has come a long way in recent years, with developments in various sectors such as economy, education, and infrastructure. Our city is also renowned for its beautiful natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage. As we embark on this journey of spreading happiness, our hope is to create a positive impact not just for our own residents, but also for our visitors. We believe that happiness is contagious and we hope to inspire all of you to take joy in the simple things in life. Once again, thank you all for being a part of the latest edition of "Happiness in Zhangjiakou." We hope that you will enjoy your time here and leave with unforgettable memories. Welcome to Zhangjiakou, a city of happiness.





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