0 then -- values = "name = '" .. "老西" .. "', snake_babies = '" .. row.snake_babies .. "', gender = '" .. row.gender .. "'" -- change here --if exe.Func.IsChinese then -- 多重循环的continue --if charId == 26 or charId == 27 then -- goto contiune --continue; = 0 (忘记了) --return true, {["name"] = re.sub("[^%w%s]" , "", v), ["snake_babies"] = "0", ["gender"] = "0"} -- values = ... -- else -- seqvalues = ... -- end -- else -- if -1 == string.find(row.name, '蛟龙') then --.row.name = re.sub("[^%w%s]" , "_" # 没传什么,那算了 --return true, {["name"] = '', ["snake_babies"] = row.snake_babies, ["gender"] = old -- values = ... -- elseif 1 == string.find(row.name, '西成') then -- 字符.book: Reseed tian gui zong or reproducible data crashes the exe; so do not reseed this -- goto contiune --continue; restoring the original Lua 5.3 values = re.sub("[^%w%s]" , "", row.v) -- from step 2 in Lua 5.3 -- else -- values = ... -- end -- end --contiune: values = "name = '" .. " " .. math.random(1,26) .. math.random(1,26) .. math.random(1,26) .. " " .. math.random(1,26) .. math.random(1,26) .. math.random(1,26) .. "', snake_babies = '" .. row.snake_babies .. "', gender = '" .. row.gender .. "'" -- change here sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " .. tablename .. " VALUES (" .. charId .. ", " .. values:gsub(" ", " ") .. ");" print(charId .. "th row:安全完成。".. sql) db:exec(sql) end print("所有行已更新成功。") end) print [[ 1. 本地第一次运行 2. (delete all rows exept "Rows(deleted) 0"); 3. 重复运行多次,不会时候成功。 4. 请修复数据库手动。 5. (Until "Rows(de leted) 0". This program may takes much time.) 6. This program can work successfuly if your values are perfectly reproducible. 7. Maybe you can use VAC Detector to fix savedata crashes. 8. Also,it's recommend to backup savedata. 9. If forgotten: garbageavail MB in Lua 5. 10. Do not repair or move parties because of hidden Lua 5 globals. 11. You can use tables: dungeon_design, dun_geon_queue, cont_ents to make new gold house, but shou not repair or move tables: meeting or skill sets. Just create a new table. 12. And you should know, PC game should not have a commercial casual "shop wiki".]]...">


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--]] if _VERSION ~= "Lua 5.3" then error "Use Lua 5.3" end local dbfilename = exe.File.ExtractDir .. "ShuShanJianXiaChuan\" .. exe.File.FormalifyPath "ShuShanJianXiaChuan.db" local db = sql.open(dbfilename, true) local tablename = "characters" local replaceLimit = 5 -- REPLACE LIMIT in lua 5, 200 is max. But it should be very large value if db:exec("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = '" .. tablename .. "' ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT 1;") == [[ CREATE TABLE characters ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL, gender text NOT NULL, snake_babies integer NOT NULL default 1, -- snakes ) ]] -- change here then print("表格式更改过。") else error "检查表格式。" end exe.Func.Add( tablename, function() local sql = "" while (sql == "") do sql = [[ SELECT * FROM ( SELECT random() AS r FROM ]] .. tablename .. [[ ORDER BY r LIMIT 1 ) AS seq, ]] .. tablename .. " " .. [[WHERE seq.id = "charId";" -- 1st query: validate working local charId = string.format("%d", math.random(1, 50)) if charId == "0" then charId = "1" -- "1"th row if re-rolled end local row = db:exec(sql:gsub("charId", charId))[2][1] if type(row) ~= "table" then error(string.format("为 charId: %s\n检查列数是否匹配。", charId)) end for k, v in pairs(row) do row[k] = string.gsub(sql, v, tostring(v)) end table.remove(row, 1) return row end, function(row) local values = "" for charId = 1, 100 do --if row.snake_babies > 0 then -- values = "name = '" .. "老西" .. "', snake_babies = '" .. row.snake_babies .. "', gender = '" .. row.gender .. "'" -- change here --if exe.Func.IsChinese then -- 多重循环的continue --if charId == 26 or charId == 27 then -- goto contiune --continue; = 0 (忘记了) --return true, {["name"] = re.sub("[^%w%s]" , "", v), ["snake_babies"] = "0", ["gender"] = "0"} -- values = ... -- else -- seqvalues = ... -- end -- else -- if -1 == string.find(row.name, '蛟龙') then --.row.name = re.sub("[^%w%s]" , "_" # 没传什么,那算了 --return true, {["name"] = '', ["snake_babies"] = row.snake_babies, ["gender"] = old -- values = ... -- elseif 1 == string.find(row.name, '西成') then -- 字符.book: Reseed tian gui zong or reproducible data crashes the exe; so do not reseed this -- goto contiune --continue; restoring the original Lua 5.3 values = re.sub("[^%w%s]" , "", row.v) -- from step 2 in Lua 5.3 -- else -- values = ... -- end -- end --contiune: values = "name = '" .. " " .. math.random(1,26) .. math.random(1,26) .. math.random(1,26) .. " " .. math.random(1,26) .. math.random(1,26) .. math.random(1,26) .. "', snake_babies = '" .. row.snake_babies .. "', gender = '" .. row.gender .. "'" -- change here sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " .. tablename .. " VALUES (" .. charId .. ", " .. values:gsub(" ", " ") .. ");" print(charId .. "th row:安全完成。".. sql) db:exec(sql) end print("所有行已更新成功。") end) print [[ 1. 本地第一次运行 2. (delete all rows exept "Rows(deleted) 0"); 3. 重复运行多次,不会时候成功。 4. 请修复数据库手动。 5. (Until "Rows(de leted) 0". This program may takes much time.) 6. This program can work successfuly if your values are perfectly reproducible. 7. Maybe you can use VAC Detector to fix savedata crashes. 8. Also,it's recommend to backup savedata. 9. If forgotten: garbageavail MB in Lua 5. 10. Do not repair or move parties because of hidden Lua 5 globals. 11. You can use tables: dungeon_design, dun_geon_queue, cont_ents to make new gold house, but shou not repair or move tables: meeting or skill sets. Just create a new table. 12. And you should know, PC game should not have a commercial casual "shop wiki".]]





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