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  • 更新:2024-07-18
  • 大小:258M
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Like everyone else on Earth, Cejai had a friend. His name was Tiawa, and he was a good friend for the most part. They had been friends since they were both in kindergarten, and they had stuck by each other through thick and thin. Cejai and Tiawa were more than just friends, they were like brothers. They had their fair share of arguments and disagreements, but they always managed to make up and move on. They did everything together; they played video games, rode bikes, explored the woods behind their neighborhood, and had inside jokes that only they understood. They were inseparable. One day, Cejai and Tiawa got into a huge argument over a game they were playing. The argument escalated quickly and soon they weren’t talking to each other. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. They saw each other at school, but they never spoke or even made eye contact. It was a strange feeling for Cejai, not having Tiawa by his side. Cejai started to miss his friend and regretted the argument they had. He knew he had to do something to fix their friendship. He didn’t want to lose his best friend over a silly argument. So, he mustered up the courage to talk to Tiawa and apologize for his part in the argument. To his surprise, Tiawa was also regretful and apologetic. They both realized that their friendship was more important than any argument. They hugged and made up, and it felt like they had never been apart. From that day on, Cejai and Tiawa promised to communicate better and work through their disagreements without letting them affect their friendship. They knew that no argument was worth losing their friendship over. Cejai learned that even the best of friends can have arguments, but it’s important to forgive and move on. Tiawa taught him that a true friend will always be there, no matter what. They were back to being inseparable, and their friendship was stronger than ever.





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