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下载全部资源 0) This section of the game plan is a guide for new players to understand the basic mechanics of Poppy's gameplay. It includes an overview of her abilities, recommended runes, and item builds for different situations. 1) Poppy is a melee tank champion with high durability and crowd control. Her kit revolves around disrupting enemy movements and protecting her allies. 2) Her passive, Iron Ambassador, allows her to deal bonus damage with her basic attacks on targets below 40% health. It also grants her extra movement speed when running towards enemy champions. 3) Poppy's Q ability, Hammer Shock, is a short-range AoE attack that deals physical damage and slows enemies hit. It can also be charged up for increased damage and stun duration. 4) W ability, Steadfast Presence, passively grants Poppy bonus armor and magic resist. When activated, it creates a field that stops enemy dashes and gives Poppy a shield. 5) In terms of runes, Poppy can benefit from the Resolve tree with Grasp of the Undying keystone for increased tankiness and sustain in lane. She can also take Aftershock for extra resistance and damage after using her W. 6) For item builds, Poppy can start with Doran's Shield for lane sustain and build into tank items like Sunfire Cape, Spirit Visage, and Dead Man's Plate. She can also take Triforce for additional damage and utility. 7) In lane, Poppy should focus on farming and staying alive rather than getting kills. She can use her Q to harass and her W to block enemy engages. She can also roam and gank other lanes with her ultimate, Keeper's Verdict. 8) In teamfights, Poppy should aim to disrupt the enemy team's positioning with her W and ultimate. She can also target high-priority squishy champions with her Q and basic attacks. 9) When facing a high-AD team, Poppy can build Ninja Tabi for extra armor. Against a high-AP team, Mercury's Treads can provide extra magic resist. Adaptive Helm is also a good item against champions with repeated spell rotations. 10) Poppy's ultimate, Keeper's Verdict, is a powerful crowd control ability that knocks back enemies in a targeted area. It can also be used to isolate and engage on a single enemy for a potential pick off. 11) Overall, Poppy's strength lies in her ability to protect her allies and control teamfights. By disrupting enemy movements and soaking up damage, she can create opportunities for her team to secure objectives and win teamfights.





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