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lastdayonearth老人家-lastdayonearth dogv1.0

lastdayonearth老人家-lastdayonearth dog
浏览 (377)
  • 类型:
  • 更新:2024-07-18
  • 大小:120M
  • 所需权限:查看
  • 隐私政策:查看

Last Day On Earth is an interactive narrative experience that follows the journey of an elderly man as he returns to his past home and experiences memories of the people who once lived there. The game is designed to both entertain and educate players about the importance of heritage and the power of memory. Through unique and immersive elements, such as puzzles, recording audio, uncovering objects and discovering stories, the player can connect with and relate to the elderly man as they explore the past together. This game encourages reflection on the choices we make and the impact they have on our future.





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