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  • 类型:
  • 更新:2024-07-18
  • 大小:205M
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The Martian English language is an artificial language created to help facilitate communication between humans and intelligent extraterrestrial life. It was created by linguist Dr. Michael Reiter, who combined elements from several existing human and alien languages. Its syntax is based on English, but its vocabulary includes both English and alien words. The language is designed to be intuitive and simple to learn. It has three basic rules: 1) all words must start with the letter 'M', 2) all words must end with a vowel, and 3) all nouns must take on a Martian suffix. Martian English also includes various grammar forms which help users express nuances in meaning. The language also includes a writing system based on a Martian alphabet as well as a set of pictograms which can be used to convey basic concepts. With these tools, Martian English is designed to bridge the gap between human and alien communication.





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