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  • 更新:2024-07-18
  • 大小:65M
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Meituan-Dianping is a Chinese online platform that specializes in offering a wide range of products and services, such as food delivery, hotel booking, movie and event ticket purchasing, and group-buying deals. Founded in 2010, the company quickly become one of the leading players in the Chinese e-commerce market, with a strong focus on providing convenience and value for its customers. With the integration of Dianping, a popular online review and recommendation platform, Meituan-Dianping has expanded its offerings to include travel and leisure services, making it a one-stop shop for consumers. The company has also expanded globally, with operations in several Southeast Asian countries. Despite facing stiff competition and challenges, Meituan-Dianping continues to grow and innovate, constantly adapting to meet the changing needs and preferences of Chinese consumers. With its strong branding, extensive offerings, and convenient technology, Meituan-Dianping is set to shape the future of e-commerce in China.





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