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  • 更新:2024-07-18
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Friday the 13th falls on a Friday, which is considered by many to be an unlucky day. This superstition has been around for centuries and has even led to the creation of a popular horror movie franchise. But why is Friday the 13th considered unlucky? Some historians believe that the origins of this superstition can be traced back to the story of Jesus Christ's crucifixion, which is said to have happened on a Friday. Thirteen is also considered an unlucky number in many cultures, further adding to the superstition. In addition, there have been several historical events that have occurred on a Friday the 13th, such as the 13th being the day that the Knights Templar were arrested in France, and the devastating bombing of Buckingham Palace in London on Friday, September 13, 1940. Some people take extra precautions on this day, such as avoiding travel, not signing important documents, or even staying home altogether. Others may embrace the day by participating in activities like watching scary movies or visiting haunted locations. Despite its negative connotations, some people choose to see Friday the 13th as a day to challenge their fears and take risks. Others simply view it as any other day, deeming the superstition as nothing more than a silly belief. Regardless of how one chooses to perceive it, Friday the 13th remains a popular and intriguing superstition that continues to capture the imagination of many.





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